Fifth Grade Sweethearts!

In Fifth Grade, I asked out this boy I had a crush on for a few years. We weren’t close or anything, in fact I could barely even look at him from across the classroom out of embarrassment.

My crushes on boys would start at an early age. Growing up as a female, every story that was told to me, every piece of media I consumed was about love. I looked up to the Disney princesses, who would fall in love with a prince and get married at the end. That kind of connection was something that I desired, regardless of how young I was.

Mid way through Seventh Grade I would start to question my sexuality, but I found that even identifying as a lesbian, I still would have dreams about this boy. Why? Even as an aromantic adult today, I still have romantic dreams about pining over him, going to school dances with him, and seeing him around the hallways at school. It’s made me incredibly confused for years, but I think I’ve figured it out, and thankfully it has nothing to do with him.


Digital Paintings


oil pastel portraits